sábado, 3 de maio de 2014

Gustav Klimt - The Black Hat, 1910

The Black Hat, 1910 by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - Water Serpents ll, c1907-detail

Water Serpents ll, c1907-detail by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - Watersnakes l, 1904-07

Watersnakes l, 1904-07 by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - Hope ll, 1907-8

Hope ll, 1907-8 by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - The Choir of Angels from The Beethoven Frieze, 1902

The Choir of Angels from The Beethoven Frieze, 1902 by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - The Kiss, 1907-1908

The Kiss, 1907-1908 by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - Schloss Kammer am Attersee II

Schloss Kammer am Attersee II by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - Water Serpents ll c1907

Water Serpents ll c1907 by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - The Expectation

The Expectation by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt - Mother and Child (The Three Ages of Woman)

Mother and Child (The Three Ages of Woman) by Gustav Klimt 

Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt (July 14, 1862 – February 6, 1918) was an Austrian symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Secession movement. Klimt is noted for his paintings, murals, sketches, and other objets d'art.

Gustav Klimt - Selected Works:

  1. Mother and Child (The Three Ages of Woman)
  2. The Expectation
  3. Water Serpents ll c1907
  4. Schloss Kammer am Attersee II 
  5. The Kiss, 1907-1908 
  6. The Choir of Angels from The Beethoven Frieze, 1902
  7. Hope ll, 1907-8
  8. Watersnakes l, 1904-07
  9. Water Serpents ll, c1907-detail
  10. The Black Hat, 1910

quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

The Abstract Expressionists

Alphabetical List of Famous Abstract Expressionist Painters

  1. Charles Alston
  2. Alice Baber
  3. Ernest Briggs
  4. James Brooks
  5. Fritz Bultman
  6. Hans Burkhardt
  7. Jack Bush
  8. Alexander Calder
  9. Nicolas Carone
  10. Giorgio Cavallon
  11. John Chamberlain
  12. Elaine de Kooning
  13. Willem de Kooning
  14. Richard Diebenkorn
  15. Mark di Suvero
  16. Enrico Donati
  17. Edward Dugmore
  18. Jimmy Ernst
  19. Herbert Ferber
  20. Perle Fine
  21. Sam Francis
  22. Jane Frank
  23. Helen Frankenthaler
  24. Michael Goldberg
  25. Arshile Gorky
  26. Adolph Gottlieb
  27. Cleve Gray
  28. Philip Guston
  29. David Hare
  30. Hans Hofmann
  31. Paul Jenkins
  32. Earl Kerkam
  33. Franz Kline
  34. Albert Kotin
  35. Lee Krasner
  36. Ibram Lassaw
  37. Norman Lewis
  38. Morris Louis
  39. Conrad Marca-Relli
  40. Nicholas Marsicano
  41. Mercedes Matter
  42. Joan Mitchell
  43. Robert Motherwell
  44. Louise Nevelson
  45. Isamu Noguchi
  46. Kenzo Okada
  47. Stephen Pace
  48. Ray Parker
  49. Jackson Pollock
  50. Richard Pousette-Dart
  51. Milton Resnick
  52. George Rickey
  53. Jean Paul Riopelle
  54. William Ronald
  55. Theodore Roszak
  56. Mark Rothko
  57. Louis Schanker
  58. Jon Schueler
  59. Charles Seliger
  60. David Smith
  61. Theodoros Stamos
  62. Joe Stefanelli
  63. Hedda Sterne
  64. Clyfford Still
  65. Alma Thomas
  66. Bradley Walker Tomlin
  67. Cy Twombly
  68. Jack Tworkov
  69. Peter Voulkos
  70. Hale Woodruff
  71. Emerson Woelffer
  72. Taro Yamamoto

Paul Gauguin - Tahitian Women, 1899

Paul Gauguin - Tahitian Women, 1899

Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin (French: 7 June 1848 – 8 May 1903) was a leading French Post-Impressionist artist who was not well appreciated until after his death.

Photographs of Paul Gauguin

List of paintings by Paul Gauguin

Ta Matete, 1892
Taperaa Mahana, 1892 (Late Afternoon)
The Meal, 1891

Paul Gauguin - The Meal, 1891

The Meal, 1891 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Still Life with a Mandolin

Still Life with a Mandolin by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Pont-Aven woman and child, 1880

Pont-Aven woman and child, 1880 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Lane at Alchamps, arles, 1888

Lane at Alchamps, arles, 1888 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Watering Place, 1885

Watering Place, 1885 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Les Alyscamps, 1888

Les Alyscamps, 1888 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Washerwomen in Arles

Washerwomen in Arles by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Taperaa Mahana, 1892 (Late Afternoon)

Taperaa Mahana, 1892 (Late Afternoon) by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Landscape with Three Trees, 1892

Landscape with Three Trees, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Farmhouse in Arles

Farmhouse in Arles by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - The Little Valley

The Little Valley  by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Parahi te Marae (The Sacred Mountain), 1892

Parahi te Marae (The Sacred Mountain), 1892 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - She Goes Down to the Fresh Water, 1892

She Goes Down to the Fresh Water, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Ta Matete, 1892

Ta Matete, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Night Cafe at Arles

Night Cafe at Arles by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Tropical Vegetation, 1887

Tropical Vegetation, 1887 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Ford (Running Away) 1901

Ford (Running Away) 1901 by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - The Wave

The Wave by Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin - Breton Fisherman on the Aven, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Breton Fisherman on the Aven, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Arearea (Joyousness), 1892

Paul Gauguin - Arearea (Joyousness), 1892

Paul Gauguin - Breton Woman and Goose by the Water, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Breton Woman and Goose by the Water, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Seashore ll, Martinique, 1887

Paul Gauguin - Seashore ll, Martinique, 1887

Paul Gauguin - Women Bathing, Dieppe, 1886

Paul Gauguin - Women Bathing, Dieppe, 1886

Paul Gauguin - Tahitian Pastoral

Paul Gauguin - Tahitian Pastoral

Paul Gauguin - Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Pont-Aven in the Snow

Paul Gauguin - Pont-Aven in the Snow

Paul Gauguin - The Swineherd, 1888

Paul Gauguin - The Swineherd, 1888

Paul Gauguin - Aline Gauguin and one of her brothers, 1883

Paul Gauguin - Aline Gauguin and one of her brothers, 1883